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Power and care [electronic resource] toward balance for our common future -- science, society, and spirituality

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서명/저자사항Power and care : toward balance for our common future -- science, society, and spirituality/ edited by Tania Singer and Matthieu Ricard with Kate Karius. [electronic resource].
개인저자Singer, Tania,editor,
Ricard, Matthieu,editor,
Karius, Kate,editor,
발행사항Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, [2018].
형태사항1 online resource: illustrations.

일반주기 Includes index.
내용주기Intro; Contents; Foreword; Introduction; A Call for Care in a Challenging World; Dialogues to Increase Human Well-being; About Power and Care; Introducing the Concepts of Power and Care; Overview of the Book; Creating a More Compassionate World; Notes; I. Perspectives from Ethology, Anthropology, and Ecology; Opening Address; Dialogues to Seek Answers through Investigation and Experimentation; Learnings of Mutual Benefit; Europeans-Learning from the Past and Leading for the Future; Notes; 1. The Power and Care of Primate Alpha Males; Chimpanzee Politics
Displaying Power and Dominance in ChimpanzeesDisplaying Power and Dominance in Human Beings; Studies in Empathy and Consolation Behavior; Empathy Studies in Human Beings; What Constitutes a Good Leader?; Attributes of a Popular Alpha Male: Peacemaker and Consoler-in-Chief; Note; 2. The Transformative Power of Nurturing; Care in Early Human Origins; Hunter-Gatherer Parenting: Help from Others Is Essential for Survival; Allomaternal Assistance Helped Fuel Costly Brains; The Importance of Shared Care and Provisioning; Infants Are Conditioned to Attend to What Others Intend
Multiple Caretakers Promote Intersubjective EngagementPsychobiological Responses in Caretakers; Can the Powerful Become More Caring?; Notes; 3. We Depend on a Harmonious Planet to Support Humanity; From a Small World on a Large Planet, to a Large World on a Small Planet; Welcome to the Anthropocene; The Great Acceleration of Pressures on Our Planet; The Golden Age for Humanity; Hitting the Ceiling to Support Humanity; Everything We Cherish Has Settled into the Holocene; Facing Potentially Catastrophic Tipping Points; Anthropocene+Holocene+Tipping Points=Planetary Boundaries
Delivering a Better, More Harmonious Future for HumanityNotes; II. Perspectives from Psychology, Endocrinology, and Neuroscience; 4. Psychological Considerations of the Power Motive; What Is a Power Motive?; How to Assess One's Power Motive; Social Consequences of Power; Embracing Our Power for the Benefit of Humankind; Notes; 5. The Biology of Care: Social Hormones in the Human Brain; The Breastfeeding Hormone Oxytocin and the Chemistry of Care; The Role of Oxytocin in Regulating Stress; Oxytocin and Empathy, Care, and Attachment; Notes
6. Perspectives from Contemplative Neuroscience on Power and Care: How to Train Care and CompassionDesign of The ReSource Project, a One-Year-Long Longitudinal Study to Increase Compassion and Human Prosociality; The Two Different Networks of Understanding Others; Training Compassion and Care; Theory of Mind; Structural Plasticity of the Brain: Increasing Gray Matter of the Brain through Training; Compassion Training to Improve Prosocial Behavior and Cooperation; Using The ReSource Project Data in Economics; Experiments to Induce Care in the Context of Decision-Making
요약Leading thinkers from a range of disciplines discuss the compatibility of power and care, in conversation with the Dalai Lama. For more than thirty years, the Dalai Lama has been in dialogue with thinkers from a range of disciplines, helping to support pathways for knowledge to increase human wellbeing and compassion. These conversations, which began as private meetings, are now part of the Mind & Life Institute and Mind & Life Europe. This book documents a recent Mind & Life Institute dialogue with the Dalai Lama and others on two fundamental forces: power and care--power over and care for others in human societies. The notion of power is essentially neutral; power can be used to benefit others or to harm them, to build or to destroy. Care, on the other hand, is not a neutral force; it aims at increasing the wellbeing of others. Power and care are not incompatible: power, imbued with care, can achieve more than a powerless motivation to care; power, without the intention to benefit others, can be ruthless. The contributors--who include such celebrated figures as Frans B. M. de Waal, Olafur Eliasson, Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, and Jody Williams--discuss topics including the interaction of power and care among our closest relatives, the chimpanzees; the effect of meditation and mental training practices on the brain; the role of religion in promoting peace and compassion; and the new field of Caring Economics.
일반주제명Power (Philosophy)
Power (Philosophy)


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