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Competitive Interactions of Two Parasitic Wasps That Require the Same Host

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서명/저자사항Competitive Interactions of Two Parasitic Wasps That Require the Same Host.
개인저자Vyas, Dhaval Kartik.
단체저자명Colorado State University. Ecology (Graduate Degree Program).
발행사항[S.l.]: Colorado State University., 2019.
발행사항Ann Arbor: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2019.
형태사항158 p.
기본자료 저록Dissertations Abstracts International 81-04B.
Dissertation Abstract International
학위논문주기Thesis (Ph.D.)--Colorado State University, 2019.
일반주기 Source: Dissertations Abstracts International, Volume: 81-04, Section: B.
Advisor: Ode, Paul.
이용제한사항This item must not be sold to any third party vendors.
요약Behavior is a dynamic trait that allows animals to cope with their environment. When individuals of different species compete for the same resources, certain behaviors become important for affecting the outcome of competition. These behaviors can undergo significant changes as a species exists in different ecological communities in which the level of competition is altered. Comparisons of spatially separated populations enhances our understanding of how interspecific interactions influence animal behavior.Cotesia glomerata and C. rubecula are two parasitoids wasps with different relationships based on their geography. In their original habitats in Europe, the two species coexist with little direct competition because each wasp parasitizes a different species of caterpillar. Coexistence changed to competition when the two parasitoids were established in North America where the primary host of C. glomerata is absent leading C. glomerata to attack Pieris rapae, the sole host of C. rubecula. Competition favors C. rubecula leading to competitive exclusion of C. glomerata in most parts of the US and southern Canada, yet there are some populations of C. glomerata that live without C. rubecula and other populations that coexist with this congener. While we know that the host shift to P. rapae led to differences in parasitoid-host interactions between North American and European populations of C. glomerata, it is unknown whether competition with C. rubecula has affected the behavior of C. glomerata in North America. My goal was to examine the behavioral and ecological factors that might explain the outcomes (competitive displacement or coexistence) of interspecific interactions between these two parasitoid wasps.The introductory chapter introduces competitor-free space and geographic mosaics of selection, two concepts that are relevant to the Cotesia parasitoids at the center of my research. Cotesia glomerata had unchallenged access to P. rapae in North America for 80 years before C. rubecula arrived and began competing with C. glomerata for the same host. Cotesia rubecula failed to reach every C. glomerata population and while some C. glomerata populations were displaced by C. rubecula, others persist with this competitor. Thus, North American C. glomerata occur in a patchwork of competitive environments with some populations experiencing competitor-free space, others having been extirpated by C. rubecula, and a few where C. glomerata evades competitive displacement. Chapter 2 provides details into the natural history and biology of the Pieris-Cotesia system. I also present the timeline of the introductions of C. glomerata and C. rubecula to North America, and their subsequent spread throughout parts of the continent. These two parasitoids offer a rare opportunity to understand how animal behavior is affected by competitive interactions that vary across the range of a broadly distributed species.In Chapter 3, I explore the differences in foraging behaviors between Colorado and Maryland C. glomerata, as well as how C. glomerata differed from C. rubecula. My focus is on evaluating differences between the species in their foraging efficiency as they foraged in patches of low to high densities of hosts. I also examine the time spent finding a host (i.e., search time) and how long the wasps took to attack a host (i.e., handling time). Wasps were observed foraging alone or with the heterospecific since some parasitoids can adjust their foraging behaviors in the presence of stronger competitors. In addition to C. rubecula from Maryland, I used C. rubecula from Minnesota where C. rubecula has displaced C. glomerata. Regardless of their place of origin, both Cotesia species attacked more hosts as host density increased. Interspecific differences in foraging performance were minimal with some evidence suggesting that C. glomerata from Maryland attacked a fewer number of hosts in the presence of C. rubecula. Colorado C. glomerata had the slowest search and handling times, whereas Maryland C. rubecula had the fastest times. Interestingly, the Colorado C. glomerata were slightly slower at finding hosts than were Maryland C. glomerata, which were just as fast as Minnesota C. rubecula. Foraging efficiency influences the rate at which a parasitoid exploits its hosts, which is important for interspecific competition. Given that C. rubecula parasitized hosts are deadly for C. glomerata, the inability of C. glomerata to find and attack hosts first could be disadvantageous where it to suddenly share its habitat with C. rubecula.In Chapter 4, I investigate whether C. glomerata females avoid hosts parasitized by C. rubecula since competition inside the host favors C. rubecula. I compare the foraging decisions of females from Colorado, where C. rubecula is absent, to conspecifics from Maryland where C. glomerata coexists with C. rubecula. In a patch of P. rapae caterpillars where some are unparasitized and others have been attacked by C. rubecula, selecting the latter should negatively affect C. glomerata population growth as mortality would increase in these hosts. I found that C. glomerata avoided C. rubecula parasitized caterpillars, and this avoidance was greater in C. glomerata from Maryland than in conspecifics from Colorado. Cotesia glomerata populations may show differences in foraging behaviors based on the length of time they have associated with C. rubecula. Cotesia rubecula is a mortality factor for C. glomerata, which may only experience selection for avoiding hosts previously parasitized by C. rubecula if sharing the habitat with the congener. The failure to avoid C. rubecula parasitized hosts should contribute to the displacement of C. glomerata once C. rubecula enters the same habitat.Lastly, I compare the diversity of hyperparasitoids attacking C. glomerata in Colorado and Maryland. The goal was to identify differences in the community of hyperparasitoids between C. glomerata populations, and to determine if this higher trophic level had differential impact on C. glomerata and C. rubecula. As a top-down pressure, hyperparasitoids have been implicated in the failure of C. rubecula to establish in parts of North America. At the per host, brood level, Cotesia rubecula, with its single larva, is much more susceptible to mortality from hyperparasitoids than is a typical brood of 20-30 C. glomerata. I suspected that the coexistence of C. glomerata and C. rubecula in Maryland could be partly explained by differences in mortality experienced by these two parasitoids from the shared community of natural enemies. Field observations showed that both Cotesia species were attacked by the same hyperparasitoids, but that C. rubecula experienced greater mortality from these enemies. In addition, a greater abundance and diversity of hyperparasitoids emerged from C. glomerata broods. My research suggests that through apparent competition, hyperparasitoids may reduce the competitive advantage experienced by C. rubecula over C. glomerata, allowing for coexistence in places like Maryland. As dispersing C. rubecula populations enter habitats previously occupied by C. glomerata (e.g., Colorado) and its hyperparasitoids, the success of the colonizing population may be contingent on top-down factors.
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