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African medical pluralism [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항African medical pluralism/ edited by William C. Olsen and Carolyn Sargent. [electronic resource].
개인저자Olsen, William C.,editor, author,
Sargent, Carolyn F.,1947- editor, author,
발행사항Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2017.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: African medical pluralism Bloomington and Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 2017 9780253024770

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction / William C. Olsen and Carolyn Sargent -- Biomedicine and African healing -- The value of secrets: pragmatic healers and proprietary knowledge / Stacey Langwick -- Body and sunsum: stroke in Asante / William C. Olsen -- Spirits and pills who are against children: medico-rituals and assisted reproductive technologies in a Tuareg couple's quest for parenthood / Susan J. Rasmussen -- Science in the moral space of health and healing paradigms in western equatorial Africa / John M. Janzen -- Medical pluralism revisted: a memoir / Brooke Grundfest Schoepf -- Symptoms and therapeutic pluralities -- Wishful doing: journeying in a Nigerian medical landscape / Ulrika Trovalla -- The individualization of illness: bewitchment and the mental in postcolonial Tanzania / Koen Stroeken -- Ihahamuka-PTSD in postgenocidal Rwanda: culture, continuity and change in Rwandan therapeutics / Christopher C. Taylor -- Hospital ethnography -- Ear infections, malnutrition, and circuitous health care treatments in Zaria, Nigeria / Elisha Renne -- Therapeutic eclecticism and cancer care in a Kenyan hospital ward / Benson A. Mulemi -- Elusive paths, fluid care: seeking healing and protection in the Republic of Benin / Carolyn Sargent and James Leslie Kennell -- Legitimate care, dangerous care, and childbirth in an urban African community / Claire Wendland -- Afterword / Arthur Kleinman.
요약In most places on the African continent, multiple health care options exist and patients draw on a therapeutic continuum that ranges from traditional medicine and religious healing to the latest in biomedical technology. The ethnographically based essays in this volume highlight African ways of perceiving sickness, making sense of and treating suffering, and thinking about health care to reveal the range and practice of everyday medicine in Africa through historical, political, and economic contexts.
주제명(지명)Africa, Sub-Saharan. --fast
일반주제명Integrative medicine --Africa, Sub-Saharan.
Medical care --Africa, Sub-Saharan.
Traditional medicine --Africa, Sub-Saharan.
Medical anthropology --Africa, Sub-Saharan.
Integrative medicine.
Medical anthropology.
Medical care.
Traditional medicine.
MEDICAL / Pharmacology
MEDICAL / Healing
Medicine, African Traditional.
Integrative Medicine.
Complementary Therapies.
Delivery of Health Care.


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