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C++ Game Development by Example [electronic resource] Learn to Build Games and Graphics with SFML, OpenGL, and Vulkan Using C++ Programming

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서명/저자사항C++ Game Development by Example : Learn to Build Games and Graphics with SFML, OpenGL, and Vulkan Using C++ Programming. [electronic resource].
개인저자Shekar, Siddharth.
발행사항Birmingham: Packt Publishing, Limited, 2019.
형태사항1 online resource (407 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Shekar, Siddharth. C++ Game Development by Example : Learn to Build Games and Graphics with SFML, OpenGL, and Vulkan Using C++ Programming. Birmingham : Packt Publishing, Limited, ©2019 9781789535303
일반주기 Chapter 12: Drawing Vulkan Objects
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Dedication; About Packt; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Section 1: Basic Concepts; Chapter 1: C++ Concepts; Program basics; Variables; Strings; Operators; Statements; Iteration; Jump statements; Switch statement; Functions; Scope of variables; Arrays; Pointers; Structs; Enums; Classes; Inheritance; Summary; Chapter 2: Mathematics and Graphics Concepts; 3D coordinate system; Points; Vectors; Vector operations; Vector magnitude; Unit vector; Dot product; Cross product; Matrices; Matrix Addition and Subtraction; Matrix multiplication
Identity matrixMatrix transpose; Matrix inverse; GLM OpenGL mathematics; OpenGL data types; Space transformations; Local/object space; World space; View space; Projection space; Screen space; Render pipeline; Vertex specification; Vertex shader; Vertex post-processing; Primitive assembly; Rasterization; Fragment shader; Per-sample operation; Framebuffer; Summary; Section 2: SFML 2D Game Development; Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Game; An overview of SFML; Downloading SFML and configuring Visual Studio; Creating a window; Drawing shapes; Adding sprites; Keyboard input; Handing player movement
The Light Renderer classDrawing the object; Summary; Chapter 7: Building on the Game Objects; Creating a MeshRenderer class; Creating the TextureLoader class; Adding Bullet Physics; Adding rigid bodies; Summary; Chapter 8: Enhancing Your Game with Collision, Loop, and Lighting; Adding a RigidBody name; Adding an enemy; Moving the enemy; Checking collision; Adding keyboard controls; Game loop and scoring; Text rendering; Adding lighting; Summary; Section 4: Rendering 3D Objects with Vulkan; Chapter 9: Getting Started with Vulkan; About Vulkan; Configuring Visual Studio
Vulkan validation layers and extensionsVulkan instances; The Vulkan Context class; Creating the window surface; Picking a physical device and creating a logical device; Summary; Chapter 10: Preparing the Clear Screen; Creating the SwapChain; Creating the Renderpass; Using render targets and Framebuffers; Creating CommandBuffer; Begining and ending Renderpass; Creating the clear screen; Summary; Chapter 11: Creating Object Resources; Updating the Mesh class for Vulkan; Creating the ObjectBuffers class; Creating the Descriptor class; Creating the SPIR-V shader binary; Summary
요약Chapter 4: Creating Your Game; Starting afresh; Creating the hero class; Creating the enemy class; Adding enemies; Creating a rocket class; Adding rockets; Collision detection; Summary; Chapter 5: Finalizing Your Game; Finishing the Gameloop and adding scoring; Adding text; Adding audio; Adding player animations; Summary; Section 3: Modern OpenGL 3D Game Development; Chapter 6: Getting Started with OpenGL; What is OpenGL?; Creating our first OpenGL project; Creating a window and ClearScreen; Creating a Mesh class; Creating a Camera class; The ShaderLoader class
요약This book will get you up to speed with the specifics of making games look and feel great, by using modern animation and rendering techniques with the integration of great physics libraries for an improved and realistic user experience.
일반주제명C++ (Computer program language)
Object-oriented programming languages.
Computer games --Programming.
Computer games --Design.


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