목차 일부
치증총요-중풍 Paraiysis
중풍1. 중풍 전조증과 예방 The aura and prevention of stroke
중풍2. 중풍 예방-임세법(淋洗法) Stroke prevention-Leaching method
중풍3. 중풍 치료-칠처혈(七處穴) The treatment of stroke - Seven place p...
목차 전체
치증총요-중풍 Paraiysis
중풍1. 중풍 전조증과 예방 The aura and prevention of stroke
중풍2. 중풍 예방-임세법(淋洗法) Stroke prevention-Leaching method
중풍3. 중풍 치료-칠처혈(七處穴) The treatment of stroke - Seven place points
중풍4. 중풍-편마비 Stroke – Hemiplegia
치증총요-침구 처방 151 Zhizhengzhongyao-151 prescriptions for acupuncture treatment
1. 양증(陽症) 중풍-언어불능 수족마비 Stroke with a symptom of yang-Speech inability, limb paralysis
2. 음증(陰症) 중풍-반신불수 구급 수족구련 Stroke with a symptom of yin-Hemiplegia, convulsions, limb twist
3. 일사병 Sunstroke
4. 중풍-인사불성 Stroke-Unconsciousness
5. 중풍-구금불개(口噤不開) Stroke-Lockjaw
6. 중풍-반신불수 Stroke-Hemiplegia
7. 중풍-구안와사 Stroke-Bell''s palsy
8. 중풍-편마비 Stroke-Hemiplegia
9. 두정통-간화성 Vertex headache due to liver fire
10. 중풍-뇌신경 장애 Stroke due to cranial nerve disorder
11. 눈 어지럼증 Dizziness in the eyes
12. 두정통-풍한사 Vertex headache due towind cold pathogen
13. 현훈・맑은물 구토-비위 한습담 Dizziness and vomitwith clear water due to cold damp phlegm in spleen and stomach
14. 각막혼탁 Corneal cloudiness
15. 영풍누루(迎風冷淚) Tears by wind
16. 백내장 Cataract
17. 부은 눈 Swollen eyes
18. 안질 Eye rash and red due to wind
19. 급성 안구 충혈통 Acute ocular hyperemia and pain
20. 안구 충혈통 Ocular hyperemia and pain
21. 익상편(翼狀片)-눈 흰자위 늘어짐 Pterygium-Sagging Sclera
22. 눈부심 Iphotophobia
23. 코 막힘-후각 상실 Clogged nose-Olfactory loss
24. 맑은 콧물 Clear runny nose
25. 축농증 Sinusitis
26. 콧물 코막힘 Runny and stuffy nose
27. 코피-실증 Nosebleed-Excess Syndrome
28. 구내염 Stomatitis
29. 안면 편마비-구안와사 Facial hemiplegia-Bell’s palsy
30. 볼거리(유행성이하선염) Mumps
31. 혀가 붓고 말 못함 Swollen tongue and speech inability
32. 아래 어금니 잇몸 통증 Pain in under molar gum
33. 위 잇몸 통증 Upper gum pain
34. 아래 잇몸 통증 Under gum pain
35. 이명-허증 Tinnitus-Deficiency
36. 외이염(外耳炎) Otitis externa
37. 중이염 Otitis media
38. 청각장애-실증 Hearing impairment-Excess Syndrome
39. 손팔 마비 Hand and arm numbness
40. 손팔 냉통-풍한사 Cold pain in hand and arm due to wind cold pathogen
41. 손팔 홍종통 Red swollen and pain in hand and arm
42. 손팔 홍종창 Red swollen and boil in hand and arm
43. 손팔 근육 수축 Hand and arm muscle contraction
44. 견배 홍종동통(肩背紅腫疼痛) Red swollen and cold pain on the shoulder and back
45. 심흉동통(心胸疼痛) Cold pain in hart and chest
46. 협늑동통(脇肋疼痛) Cold pain in hypochondrium and flank
47. 복통 Inner abdominal cold pain
48. 소복창만(小腹脹滿) Low abdominal bloating
49. 다리 감각 저하 Leg numbness
50. 무릎 홍종통 Red swollen and painl in knee
51. 보행 불능 Leg paralysis
52. 무릎 위약 Knee weakness
53. 다리 홍종창 Red swollen and boil in leg
54. 발등 홍종통 Red swollen painl in instep of foot
55. 뒷발목 수포 Back of ankle water blister
56. 협늑통 Pain in hypochondrium and flank
57. 요각동통(腰腳疼痛) Cold pain in low back and leg
58. 신허요통(腎虛腰痛) Low back pain due to kidney deficiency
59. 요척강통(腰脊強痛) Stiffness and pain in low and middle back
60. 급성 협늑통 Acute pain in low back and flank by sprain
61. 전신 종창 Whole body swollen and boil
62. 사지부종(四肢浮腫) Limbs swollen
63. 근 위축 복부팽창 / Skinny body and abdominal bloating
64. 전신 부종 Whole body edema
65. 소변불리(小便不利) Dysuria
66. 빈뇨 Frequent urination
67. 변비 Constipation
68. 만성 설사 Chronic diarrhea
69. 적백이질(赤白痢疾) Red or clear dysenter
70. 대장출혈 Colon hemorrhage
71. 만성 치질 Chronic hemorrhoids
72. 한열왕래-소화기계 냉증 Alternatechillsandfever due tocold digestive system
73. 한열왕래-추운 후 발열 Alternatechillsandfever-Fever after chills
74. 한열왕래-발열 후 한증 Alternatechillsandfever-Chills after fever
75. 한열왕래-고열 한증 Alternatechillsandfever-High fever and low chills
76. 한열왕래-다한 미열 Alternatechillsandfever-High chills and mild fever
77. 위통 구토 Stomach pain and vomiting
78. 위경련 구토 Stomach cramp and vomiting
79. 천식 Asthma
80. 해수 객혈 A cough and hemoptysis
81. 토혈 Hematemesis
82. 폐렴 해수 Pneumonia and a cough
83. 만성 기침 Chronic cough
84. 폐결핵 Tuberculosis
85. 당뇨 Diabetes-Dry mouse and thirst
86. 정액 누출 Spermatorrhea
87. 요도 결석 Urethral calculus
88. 낭습(囊濕) Groin wetness
89. 음경 경화 비대증 The penis sclerosis and hypertrophy
90. 음경 부종통 The penis swelling and pain
91. 적백대하 Red or clear discharge from the womb
92. 불임 Infertility
93. 피임 Contraception
94. 생리불순 Irregular menstruation
95. 난산 Dystocia
96. 하혈 Melena
97. 산후 출혈통 Postpartum pain and clot of blood
98. 포의불하(胞衣不下) Failure of the placenta to descend
99. 오심번열 현훈 시력 저하 Heat sensation in the chest, palms and soles, dizziness anddecreased vision
100. 외음부 염증 Inflammation of the vulva
101. 자궁출혈 Abnormal uterine bleeding
102. 유즙 분비 부전증 Hypogalactia
103. 젖몽우리・유선염 Mastitis
104. 생리 중단 Menstruation interruption
105. 전신 종기 Systemic boil
106. 등창 Abscess of back
107. 종아리 부스럼 Calf rash
108. 종기 Boil
109. 옆구리 허벅지 피부병 Skin trouble of flank and thigh
110. 감기-두통 Headache due to affection by cold
111. 감기-협통 Side pain due to affection by cold
112. 감기-흉협통 Chest and side pain due to affection by cold
113. 감기-고열 High fever due to affection by cold
114. 감기-고열 후 미열 Mild fever after high fever due to affection by cold
115. 광증(狂症) Insanity
116. 감기-경련・혼절 Convulsion and fainting due to affection by cold
117. 감기-무한(無汗) No sweat due to affection by cold
118. 감기-다한(多汗) Sweat due to affection by cold
119. 노인성 음허 변비 Geriatric constipation due to yin deficiency
120. 요폐(尿閉) Anuresis
121. 실맥(失脈) Unrecognized pulse
122. 감기-광증 Insanity due to affection by cold
123. 감기-황달 Jaundice due to affection by cold
124. 인후종통(咽喉腫痛) Sore throat
125. 편도선염-양쪽 Tonsillitis - Both side
126. 편도선염-한쪽 Tonsillitis - One side
127. 어린이 피부발진 Children''s skin eruption
128. 전염성 홍단성 피부염 Infectious erythematous dermatitis
129. 황달 Jaundice
130. 복부 멍울 Lump inside the abdomen
131. 간질 - 다섯 가지 유형 Epilepsy-five types
132. 간질-마간 Horse epilepsy
133. 간질-풍간 Windepilepsy
134. 간질-식간 Food epilepsy
135. 간질-저간 Pig epilepsy
136. 치매 Dementia
137. 구취 Halitosis
138. 소아 치질 / Children''s hemorrhoids
139. 곽란전근(霍亂轉筋) Twisted and contracted limbs
140. 토사곽란 Vomiting and diarrhea, twisted and contracted limbs
141. 기침과 트림 Coughing and belching
142. 건망증 Amnesia
143. 임질 Gonorrhea
144. 부은 혀・요통 Swollen tongue and low back pain
145. 가래톳 A bubo
146. 연주창(결핵성 편도임파선염) Scrofula(Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenitis)
147. 일사병・풍열병 Wind heat disease and Sunstroke
148. 턱관절 탈구 Dislocation of a jaw
149. 굳은 혀・언어 불능 Speech inability due to harden tongue
150. 맑은 침・구토 Vomiting clear saliva
151. 사지마목(四肢麻木) Numbness in the limbs
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