대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Sharks of the World A Complete Guide

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Sharks of the World : A Complete Guide.
개인저자Ebert, David A.
Dando, Marc,
Fowler, Sarah,
Jabado, Rima,
발행사항Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021.
형태사항1 online resource (609 p.).
총서사항Wild Nature Press Ser.
기타형태 저록Print version: Ebert, David A. Sharks of the World Princeton : Princeton University Press,c2021 9780691205991
일반주기 Description based upon print version of record.
내용주기Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Photographic credits -- Foreword by Rima Jabado -- Introduction -- How to use this book -- Topography -- What is a shark? -- The evolution of fishes -- Evolution of sharks -- Biology -- Body structure -- Skeleton -- Movement -- Respiration and circulation -- Skin and scales -- Senses -- Feeding and digestion -- Life history -- Behaviour -- Genetics -- Research priorities -- how to help -- Sharks and people -- Shark legends -- Fisheries -- Recreational angling -- Shark watching -- Shark encounters -- Eating sharks
Conservation and management -- Key to orders and families of living sharks -- Species accounts -- Order Hexanchiformes: frilled and cow sharks -- Family Chlamydoselachidae: frilled sharks -- Family Hexanchidae: cow sharks -- Order Echinorhiniformes: bramble sharks -- Family Echinorhinidae: bramble sharks -- Order Squaliformes: dogfish sharks -- Family Squalidae: dogfish sharks -- Family Centrophoridae: gulper sharks -- Family Etmopteridae: lanternsharks -- Family Somniosidae: sleeper sharks -- Family Oxynotidae: roughsharks -- Family Dalatiidae: kitefin sharks
Order Pristiophoriformes: sawsharks -- Family Pristiophoridae: sawsharks -- Order Squatiniformes: angelsharks -- Family Squatinidae: angelsharks -- Order Heterodontiformes: bullhead sharks -- Family Heterodontidae: bullhead or horn sharks -- Order Orectolobiformes: carpetsharks -- Family Parascylliidae: collared carpetsharks -- Family Brachaeluridae: blind sharks -- Family Orectolobidae: wobbegongs -- Family Hemiscylliidae: longtailed carpetsharks -- Family Stegostomatidae: Zebra Shark -- Family Ginglymostomatidae: nurse sharks -- Family Rhincodontidae: Whale Shark
Order Lamniformes: mackerel sharks -- Family Mitsukurinidae: Goblin Shark -- Family Carchariidae: Sandtiger Shark -- Family Odontaspididae: deepsea sandtiger sharks -- Family Pseudocarchariidae: Crocodile Shark -- Family Megachasmidae: Megamouth Shark -- Family Cetorhinidae: Basking Shark -- Family Alopiidae: thresher sharks -- Family Lamnidae: mackerel sharks -- Order Carcharhiniformes: ground sharks -- Family Pentanchidae: deepsea catsharks -- Family Scyliorhinidae: catsharks -- Family Proscylliidae: finback catsharks -- Family Pseudotriakidae: false catsharks
Family Leptochariidae: Barbeled Houndshark -- Family Triakidae: houndsharks -- Family Hemigaleidae: weasel sharks -- Family Carcharhinidae: requiem sharks -- Family Galeocerdidae: Tiger Shark -- Family Sphyrnidae: hammerhead sharks -- Appendices -- Appendix I Glossary -- Appendix II Oceans and seas -- Appendix III Field observations -- Appendix IV Fin identification -- Appendix V Tooth identification -- Sources for the introduction -- Further reading -- Further identification guides -- Scientific societies, research and conservation organisations -- Online information -- Index
NATURE / Animals / Marine Life


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