대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Material insurgency towards a distributed environmental politics

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Material insurgency : towards a distributed environmental politics/ Andrew M. Rose.
개인저자Rose, Andrew M.,1977-.
발행사항Albany, NY: SUNY Press, [2021].
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항SUNY series in new political science
기타형태 저록Print version: 1438484372 9781438484372

내용주기Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Chapter 1 Climate Change Environmentalism and Distributed Politics -- Environmentalism in a Carbon Democracy -- Keystone XL and Pipeline Politics -- Distributed Potentialities -- Chapter 2 H. D. Thoreau and the Practice of Distributed Knowledges -- Situated Knowledges and a Passionate Scientist -- Hybridity's Alternative Maps -- Parabolic Walks -- Chapter 3 Bacterial Insurgency in Karen Tei Yamashita's Through the Arc of the Rainforest -- Insurgent Bacteria -- Decentered Humans
Chapter 4 The Material Temporalities of Leslie Silko's Almanac of the Dead -- Material Temporalities -- Distributed Revolutions -- A Patient Urgency -- Chapter 5 (Dis)intentional Politics and Its Limits: Crisis and Innovation in Nathaniel Rich's Odds Against Tomorrow and Chang-rae Lee's On Such a Full Sea -- Wasting Away on the Land -- Organize "Where You Are" -- Disintentional Organizing -- Chapter 6 The Unknowable Now: Passionate Science and Transformative Politics in Kim Stanley Robinson's Speculative Fiction -- Positioned Rationality as "Passionate Science"
Going Optimodal: Transformations in the Anthropocene -- The Unknowable Now -- Coda -- Notes -- Works Cited -- Index
요약Examines emerging new materialist and posthuman conceptions of subjectivity and agency, and explores their increasing significance for contemporary climate change environmentalism. In Material Insurgency, Andrew M. Rose examines emerging new materialist and posthuman conceptions of subjectivity and agency and explores their increasing significance for contemporary climate change environmentalism. Working at the intersection of material ecocriticism, posthuman theory, and environmental political theory, Rose critically focuses on the ways social movement organizing might effectively operate within the context of distributed agency. This concept undoes the privileging of rational human actors to suggest agency is better understood as a complex mixture of human and nonhuman forces. Rose explores various representations of distributed agency, from the pipeline politics of the Keystone XL campaign to the speculative literary fiction of Leslie Marmon Silko and Kim Stanley Robinson. Each of these cultural and literary texts provides a window into the possible constitution of a (distributed) environmental politics that does not yet exist and operates as a resource for envisioning environmental actors we cannot necessarily study empirically, because they are still only a prospect, or potential, of our imagination.Andrew M. Rose is Assistant Professor of English at Christopher Newport University.
일반주제명Environmental policy.
Environmental policy.


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