대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Baptizing business evangelical executives and the sacred pursuit of profit

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Baptizing business : evangelical executives and the sacred pursuit of profit/ Bradley C. Smith.
개인저자Smith, Bradley C.,author.
형태사항1 online resource (viii, 208 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Smith, Bradley C.. Baptizing business New York, NY, United States of America : Oxford University Press, 2020. 9780190055776

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover -- Baptizing Business -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: In Search of the Christian Mafia -- 1. Rethinking the Conflict Narrative -- 2. A Place for Saints -- 3. Affirmative Religion -- 4. Success to Significance -- 5. Islands of Influence -- 6. Into the Headwind -- Conclusion: Baptizing Business -- Appendix: Research Design -- Notes -- References -- Index
요약"Historically confined to the disadvantaged ranks of the stratification system, evangelical Christians have increasingly joined the corporate elite, eliciting concern from some and sanguinity from others. Quantitative studies of the effects of religion on executive behavior have thus far shown mixed and inconclusive effects, and those few qualitative analyses that have focused on evangelical business leaders have generally emphasized conflict between religion and business but failed adequately to explore areas of consonance. While evangelical executives do, in fact, experience conflict associated with their professional contexts, this tension arises not because business and religion are inherently opposed, as some have argued, but because evangelical business leaders are made to feel like second-class citizens by members of their own faith communities. Indeed, in cases of apparent conflict between faith and business, evangelical executives insist that it is faith, not business, that must be reconceived. Equipped with an array of strategies for demonstrating that business is a sacred institution and a worthy occupation, evangelical business leaders hope to restore faith in business as they apply their faith in business. In these evangelical executives and their accounts, the "spirit of capitalism," defined by Max Weber as a positive attitude toward both work and wealth, finds ongoing embrace and new expression, with implications for understanding the so-called faith at work movement, evangelicalism, and the role of religion among elites"--
해제Provided by publisher.
주제명(지명)United States. --fast
일반주제명Evangelicalism --Economic aspects --United States.
Business --Religious aspects --Protestant churches.
Capitalism --Religious aspects --Protestant churches.
Executives --Religious life --United States.
Business ethics --United States.
Christian-owned business enterprises --United States.
Business ethics.
Business --Religious aspects --Protestant churches.
Capitalism --Religious aspects --Protestant churches.
Christian-owned business enterprises.
Executives --Religious life.


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