대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Race, gender, and political representation toward a more intersectional approach

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Race, gender, and political representation : toward a more intersectional approach/ Beth Reingold, Kerry L. Haynie, and Kirsten Widner.
개인저자Reingold, Beth,author.
Haynie, Kerry Lee,author,
Widner, Kirsten,author,
형태사항1 online resource (ix, 232 pages): illustrations.
기타형태 저록Print version: Reingold, Beth. Race, gender, and political representation New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2021] 9780197502174

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
요약"Who gets elected? Who do they represent? What issues do they prioritize? Does diversity in representation make a difference? Race, Gender, and Political Representation thinks differently about identity politics in the United States. It is not about women's representation or minority representation; it is about how race and gender interact to affect the election, behavior, and impact of all individuals - raced women and gendered minorities alike. By putting women of color at the center of the analysis and re-evaluating traditional, one-at-a-time approaches to studying the politics of race or gender, the authors demonstrate what an intersectional approach to identity politics can reveal. With a wealth of original data on the presence, policy leadership, and policy impact of Black women and men, Latinas and Latinos, and white women and men in state legislative office in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, each chapter shows how the politics of race, gender, and representation are far more complex than recurring "Year of the Woman" frameworks suggest. An array of race-gender similarities and differences are evident in the experiences, activities, and accomplishments of these state legislators. Yet one thing is clear: the representation of those marginalized by multiple, intersecting systems of power and inequality is intricately bound to the representation of women of color"--
해제Provided by publisher.
주제명(지명)United States --fast
일반주제명Political participation --United States.
Representative government and representation --United States.
Minorities --Political activity --United States.
Women --Political activity --United States.
Identity politics --United States.
Intersectionality (Sociology) --United States.
Identity politics
Intersectionality (Sociology)
Minorities --Political activity
Political participation
Representative government and representation
Women --Political activity


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