대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Handbook of research on machine learning techniques for pattern recognition and information security

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Handbook of research on machine learning techniques for pattern recognition and information security/ Mohit Dua, Ankit Kumar Jain, editors.
개인저자Dua, Mohit,1982- editor,
Jain, Ankit Kumar,1986- editor,
단체저자명IGI Global,publisher.
형태사항1 online resource (26 PDFs (355 pages)).
기타형태 저록Print version: 1799832996 9781799832997

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Chapter 1. Intelligent vision-based systems for public safety and protection via machine learning techniques -- Chapter 2. Comparative analysis of various soft computing technique-based automatic licence plate recognition systems -- Chapter 3. Impact of syntactical and statistical pattern recognition on prognostic reasoning -- Chapter 4. Challenges and issues in plant disease detection using deep learning -- Chapter 5. Automatic animal detection and collision avoidance system (ADCAS) using thermal camera -- Chapter 6. Distracted driver detection system using deep learning technique -- Chapter 7. Application of deep learning model convolution neural network for effective web information retrieval -- Chapter 8. Cosine transformed chaos function and block scrambling-based image encryption -- Chapter 9. An improved approach for multiple image encryption using alternate multidimensional chaos and Lorenz attractor -- Chapter 10. Simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) and graph theory-based image segmentation -- Chapter 11. COVID-19 detection using chest x-ray and transfer learning -- Chapter 12. COVID-19-related predictions using NER on news headlines -- Chapter 13. Security issues in fog computing and ML-based solutions -- Chapter 14. Intrusion detection systems: current trends and future challenges -- Chapter 15. Vulnerability assessment and malware analysis of android apps using machine learning -- Chapter 16. Locally-adaptive nai?ve bayes framework design via density-based clustering for large scale datasets -- Chapter 17. RFID security issues, defenses, and security schemes.
요약"This book examines the impact of machine learning techniques on pattern recognition and information security"--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Database security.
Machine learning.
Pattern recognition systems.
Pattern recognition systems.
Machine learning.
Database security.


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