대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Reflective practice in medicine and multi-professional healthcare

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Reflective practice in medicine and multi-professional healthcare/ John Launer.
개인저자Launer, John,author.
형태사항1 online resource (xv, 221 pages): illustrations.
기타형태 저록Print version: Launer, John. Reflective practice in medicine and multi-professional healthcare Boca Raton, FL : CRC, 2022 9780367745578

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Part 1: Learning to communicate1. Conversations inviting change2. The three second consultation3. The big picture4. Family matters5. Three kinds of reflection6. What?겁곣굢s the point of reflective writing?7. Digging holes and weaving tapestries: two approaches to the clinical encounter 8. Why you should talk to yourself: internal dialogue and reflective practicePart 2. Concepts and theories1. Thinking in three dimensions2. Making meaning3. Who owns truth?4. Double binds and strange loops5. The science of compassion6. Guidelines and mindlines7. Complexity made simplePart 3. Supervision1. Super Vision2. What does good supervision look like?3. Supervision quartets4. Collaborative learning groups5. Clinical case discussion using a reflecting team6. The irresistible rise of interprofessional supervision7. Supervision as therapyPart 4. Emotions and attitudes1. On kindness2. Power and powerlessness3. The many faces of professionalism4. Unconscious incompetence5. Clinical gist6. Rudeness and respect in medicine7. Hunting for medical errors: asking ?겁곣굠What have we got wrong today??겁곣굢8. Whatever happened to silencePart 5. Techniques and teamwork1. Good questions2. Meetings with teams3. Giving feedback to medical students and trainees: rules, guidance and realities4. Why doctors should draw genograms ?겁곣굛 including their own5. Socratic questions and frozen shoulders: teaching without telling6. Concentric conversationsPart 6. Narrative practice1. Why narrative?2. Right on cue3. Narrative diagnosis4. Therapeutic dialogue5. Medicine as poetry6. Patient choice and narrative ethics7. The yin and yang of medical consultationsPart 7. Provocations1. Medically unexplored stories2. Taking risks seriously3. Dumpling soup4. Is there a crisis in clinical consultations?5. Patients as ethnographers6. Docsplaining7. Against diagnosis Index
요약"This unique book presents in a single collection around 50 essays by Dr John Launer on reflective practice in medicine, including examples specific to medical education and multi-professional healthcare. Based on existing contributions to the literature by Dr Launer, the book brings them together in updated and structured form for the first time with an introduction linking the different topics addressed. Coverage includes communication skills, supervision, teamwork and organizational health. In a time of unprecedented demand on healthcare services, educators and practitioners, Dr Launer offers invaluable guidance to a broad audience including community-based GPs, practice nurses and nurse practitioners, pharmacists, physician assistants and paramedics, secondary care staff including consultants and registrars across all specialties, communications skills educators, counsellors and mental health professionals, and health service managers and administrators"--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Medicine --Study and teaching.
Medical care.
Primary care (Medicine)
Interprofessional relations.
Delivery of Health Care
Interprofessional Relations
Primary Health Care
Me?decine --E?tude et enseignement.
Soins de sante? primaires.
Prestation de soins.
Relations interprofessionnelles.
MEDICAL --General.
MEDICAL --Administration.
MEDICAL --Allied Health Services --General.
Medical care.
Medicine --Study and teaching.
Primary care (Medicine)


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