대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Emerging trends in IOT and integration with data science, cloud computing, and big data analytics

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Emerging trends in IOT and integration with data science, cloud computing, and big data analytics/ edited by Pelin Yildirim Taser.
개인저자Taser, Pelin Yildirim,editor,
단체저자명IGI Global,publisher.
형태사항1 online resource (22 PDFs (334 pages)).
기타형태 저록Print version: 1799841863 9781799841869

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Chapter 1. A comprehensive evaluation of Internet-of-things platforms -- Chapter 2. An overview of IoT infrastructure architecture, enabling technologies, issues, integration of cloud, and simulation tools -- Chapter 3. Location-based internationalization and localization with mobile computing -- Chapter 4. Interoperability in Internet of media things and integration big media: conceptual model and frameworks -- Chapter 5. An architecture and reference implementation for WSN-based IoT systems -- Chapter 6. Connectivity estimation approaches for Internet of things-enabled wireless sensor networks -- Chapter 7. Machine learning techniques for IoT-based indoor tracking and localization -- Chapter 8. XHAC: explainable human activity classification from sensor data -- Chapter 9. Animal activity recognition from sensor data using ensemble learning -- Chapter 10. Essentials, challenges, and future directions of agricultural IoT: a case study in the Indian perspective -- Chapter 11. Optimization of consensus mechanism for IoT blockchain: a survey -- Chapter 12. Critical nodes detection in IoT-based cyber-physical systems: applications, methods, and challenges -- Chapter 13. Mesh network of ehealth intelligent agents for visually impaired and blind people: a review study on Arduino and raspberry pi wearable devices -- Chapter 14. Prototype implementation of innovative braille translator for the visually impaired with hearing deficiency.
일반주제명Internet of things --Industrial applications.
Big data --Industrial applications.


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