대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Balance Your Life and Work How to get the best from your job and still have a life

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Balance Your Life and Work : How to get the best from your job and still have a life/ Bloomsbury Publishing.
단체저자명Bloomsbury (Firm),author.
형태사항1 online resource (96 pages).
총서사항Business essentials

이용제한사항Legal Deposit;Only available on premises controlled by the deposit library and to one user at any one time;The Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations (UK).
요약"There's so much pressure to succeed at work that sometimes 'real life' tends to take a back seat. With the rise in flexible working and increased options to work from home, the boundaries have become even more blurred, and your relationships with friends, family, and children can all suffer as you try to cram everything into a 'normal' day. Whether you want to re-evaluate and improve your current situation, or opt for a complete change of scene with a career break, this book helps you figure out your own priorities and take positive action to make your life easier. It features: Step-by-step guidance and actions plans; Common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them; Advice on how to identify flexible options in your life; Ways to avoid stress and burnout; Top tips and ideas to bear in mind for the future"--Publisher's description.
일반주제명Business strategy.
Business & Economics --Motivational.
Business & Economics --Careers --General.
Business & Economics --Personal Success.
Work-life balance.


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