대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Missing the target why stock-market short-termism is not the problem

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Missing the target : why stock-market short-termism is not the problem/ Mark J. Roe.
개인저자Roe, Mark J.,1951- author.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Roe, Mark J., 1951- Missing the target. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2022] 9780197625620

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
요약Stock-market-driven short-termism is crippling the US economy, according to legal, judicial, and media thinking. Firms forgo the R&D they need, cut capital spending, and buy back their own stock so feverishly that they starve themselves of cash. The stock market is the primary cause: directors and managers cannot manage for the long-term when their shareholders furiously trade their companies' stocks, they cannot invest enough when stockholders demand rising quarterly profits, they must slash R&D when investors demand that precious cash be used to buy back stock, and they cannot even strategize about the long-term when shareholder activists demand immediate results. The stock market's short-termism is also blamed for environmental degradation, for contributing to global warming, and for employee mistreatment. This book shows, however, that the purported ills emanating from stock-market short-termism are either not shown, likely to minor, demonstrably false, or due to other pernicious economic causes. The social costs attributed to corporate short-termsim - environmental degradation, mistreatment of stakeholders, riaking climate catastrophe - emanate more from selfishness than from distorted time horizons, as we shall see. Moreover, public and policymaker obsession with stock-market short-termism as upsetting the economy and settled arrangements is explained more by dissatisfaction with the rapidity of technological change, the increasing uncertainty and instability of the workplace, and a dissatisfaction with overall economic arrangements. Lawmakers and pundits can readily miss more likely causes of the underlying issues - like how best to push forward US R&D - by mistakenly aiming at stock-market short-termism. After considering what the evidence tells us, we consider what political and social reasons could explain the issue's prominence.
주제명(지명)United States --Economic conditions.
E?tats-Unis --Conditions e?conomiques.
United States. --fast
일반주제명Stock exchanges --United States.
Stock exchanges --Data processing.
Stocks --United States.
Actions (Titres de socie?te?) --E?tats-Unis.
Economic history.
Stock exchanges.
Stock exchanges --Data processing.


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