대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Design of digital phase shifters for multipurpose communication systems with MATLAB design and analysis programs/ Second edition

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Design of digital phase shifters for multipurpose communication systems with MATLAB design and analysis programs/ Binboga Siddik Yarman.
개인저자Yarman, Binboga Siddik,author.
판사항Second edition.
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항River Publishers Series in Communications Ser.
기타형태 저록Print version: 8770223815 9788770223812

내용주기Front Cover -- Title -- Design of Digital Phase Shifters for Multipurpose Communication Systems With MATLAB Design and Analysis Programs -- Contents -- Preface -- Readers of the Book -- Acknowledgement -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Abbreviations -- 1 Fundamentals of Digital Phase Shifters -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Concept of Digital Phase Shift -- 1.3 Digital Phase Bits -- 1.4 n-Bit Phase shifter -- 1.5 Phase Error -- 1.6 Practical Issues -- 1.7 Types of Digital Phase Shifters -- References -- 2 Antennas, Arrays, Beam Forming, and Beam Steering
2.1 Antenna and Its Definitions -- 2.2 Phased Arrays and Electronic Beam Forming -- 2.3 Electronic Beam Steering -- 2.4 MATLAB-Based ARRAY Package -- 2.5 Conclusion -- Appendix -- References -- 3 Scattering Parameters for Lossless Two-Ports -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Formal Definition of Scattering Parameters -- 3.3 Generation of Scattering Parameters for Linear Two-Ports -- 3.4 Transducer Power Gain in Forward and Backward Directions -- 3.5 Properties of the Scattering Parameters of Lossless Two-Ports -- 3.6 Blashke Products or All-Pass Functions
3.7 Possible Zeros of a Proper Polynomial f (p) -- 3.8 Transmission Zeros -- 3.9 Lossless Ladders -- 3.10 Further Properties of the Scattering Parameters of the Lossless Two-Ports -- 3.11 Transfer Scattering Parameters -- 3.12 Cascaded (or Tandem) Connections of Two-Ports -- 3.13 Construction of an n-Bit Phase Shifter by Cascading Phase-Shifting Cells -- 4 Transmission Lines as Phase Shifter -- 4.1 Ideal Transmission Lines -- 4.2 Time Domain Solutions of Voltage and Current Wave Equations -- 4.3 Model for a Two-Pair Wire Transmission Line as an Ideal TEM Line
4.4 Model for a Coaxial Cable as an Ideal TEM Line -- 4.5 Field Solutions for TEM Lines -- 4.6 Phasor Solutions for Ideal TEM Lines -- 4.7 Steady-State Time Domain Solutions for Voltage -- 4.8 Definition of the Major Parameters of a Transmission Line -- 4.9 Voltage and Current Expression in Terms of Incident and Reflected Waves -- 4.10 TEM Lines as Circuit or "Distributed" Elements -- 4.11 Voltage and Current Expressions at the Load-End -- 4.12 Voltage and Current Expressions at the Source-End -- Input Reflection Coefficient on the z = L Plane -- 4.13 Output Reflection Coefficient at z = 0 Plane
4.14 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio: VSWR -- 4.15 Open Expressions for the Input and the Output Reflection -- 4.16 An Open-End TEM Line as a Capacitor -- 4.17 A Shorted TEM Line as an Inductor -- 4.18 A Quarter Wavelength TEM Line at Resonance Frequency -- 4.19 Open-Ended TEM Line with Arbitrary Length -- 4.20 Shorted TEM Line with Arbitrary Length -- 4.21 Ideal TEM Lines with No Reflection: Perfectly Matched and Mismatched Lines -- 4.22 Conclusion -- Appendix -- References -- 5 Loaded-Line Digital Phase Shifters -- 5.1 Loaded-Line Phase Shifters with Single Reactive Elements
요약This book aims to cover a new emerging need in designing digital phase shifter for modern communication systems. With the advancement of new generation mobile communication systems, directed beams of antenna arrays save a substantial amount of power as well as improve the communication quality. In this regard, beam-forming circuits, such as digital phase shifters (DPS) constitute essential parts of the antenna array systems. Therefore, this book is devoted to the design of digital phase shifters for various communications systems. Nowadays, phase array systems demand compact phase shifters suitable for chip implementation with wide phase-range and broad frequency band. Each chapter of this book is organized as stand-alone in such a way that the reader requires no specific background acquired from the other chapters. For each phase shifter topology introduced in this book, the reader is furnished with explicit design equations to construct the circuit under consideration. Furthermore, design equations are programmed using MATLAB to assess the electrical performance of the phase shifters with ideal and lossy components. MATLAB design programs are given at the and of each chapter as appendices and provided as soft copy on the web page of the book. In chapters 12 and 14, MMIC layouts for the lattice and T-section based DPS are provided for the readers. It is hoped that an interested reader can immediately identifies the "optimum phase shifter topology" for the need under consideration with its estimated electric performance.
일반주제명Mobile communication systems.
Digital communications.
Phase shifters --Design and construction.
Radiocommunications mobiles.
Transmission nume?rique.
Digital communications.
Mobile communication systems.


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