대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Overtime America's aging workforce and the future of working longer

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Overtime : America's aging workforce and the future of working longer/ edited by Lisa F. Berkman and Beth C. Truesdale.
개인저자Berkman, Lisa F.,editor,
Truesdale, Beth,editor,
형태사항1 online resource (xv, 333 pages): illustrations.
기타표제America's aging workforce and the future of working longer
기타형태 저록Print version: Overtime (Berkman) Overtime New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2022] 9780197512067

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기When I'm 54 : Working Longer Starts Younger than We Think / Beth C. Truesdale, Lisa F. Berkman, and Alexandra Mitukiewicz -- The Geography of Retirement / Courtney C. Coile -- The European Context : Declining Health but Rising Labor Force Participation among the Middle-Aged / Axel Bo?rsch-Supan, Irene Ferrari, Giacomo Pasini, and Luca Salerno -- Planning for the "Expected Unexpected" : Work and Retirement in the U.S. after the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock / Richard B. Freeman -- The Link between Health and Working Longer : Disparities in Work Capacity / Ben Berger, Italo Lopez-Garcia, Nicole Maestas, and Kathleen Mullen -- The Psychology of Working Longer / Margaret E. Beier and Meghan K. Davenport -- Forecasting Employment of the Older Population / Michael D. Hurd and Susann Rohwedder -- Dying with Your Boots On : The Realities of Working Longer in Low-Wage Work / Mary Gatta and Jessica Horning -- Ad Hoc, Limited, and Reactive : How Firms Respond to an Aging Workforce / Peter Berg and Matthew M. Piszczek -- How Caregiving for Parents Reduces Women's Employment : Patterns Across Sociodemographic Groups / Sean Fahle and Kathleen McGarry -- Working Longer in an Age of Rising Economic Inequality / Gary Burtless -- How Does Social Security Reform Indecision Affect Younger Cohorts? / John B. Shoven, Sita Nataraj Slavov, and John G. Watson -- The Biased Politics of "Working Longer" / Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson -- Conclusion : What Is the Way Forward? / Lisa F. Berkman, Beth C. Truesdale, and Alexandra Mitukiewicz.
요약"Worldwide, aging populations are one of humanity's greatest accomplishments - and one of our greatest challenges. As longevity has risen and fertility has fallen, older adults make up a larger portion of populations. Without a doubt, societies can reap more benefits from older people's contributions than they did in previous generations. At the same time, this demographic transition changes everything - including how nations navigate work and retirement"--
해제Provided by publisher.
통일서명Overtime (Berkman)
주제명(지명)United States.
일반주제명Older people --Employment --United States.
Retirement --United States --Planning.
Workforce --trends.
Socioeconomic Factors.


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