대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Flight failure investigating the nuts and bolts of air disasters and aviation safety

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Flight failure : investigating the nuts and bolts of air disasters and aviation safety/ Donald J. Porter.
개인저자Porter, Donald J.,author.
형태사항1 online resource: illustrations (some color).
기타형태 저록Print version: Porter, Donald J.. Flight failure Lanham, MD : Prometheus Books, an imprint of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., [2020] 9781633886223

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction -- Who's minding the store? -- Leaving Las Vegas -- Smoking gun -- Triple Nickel -- Disconnected -- Boxes and people -- Under the radar -- Then as now -- Unscrewed -- Blame game -- Loose nuts -- Outsourced.
이용제한사항Legal Deposit;Only available on premises controlled by the deposit library and to one user at any one time;The Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations (UK).
요약"This book chronicles maintenance-related accidents caused by individual, corporate, or governmental negligence and brings the industry's current state of affairs into sharp focus. The author, a former aviation engineer, examines how failures of the smallest of parts have brought down airliners, explaining sometimes esoteric mechanical issues for readers with no technical background. Vividly describing the terror of accidents and close calls, the author then follows the painstaking investigations to determine causes. He focuses on maintenance errors, which rank as one of the top three causes of airline accidents, and points to the factors that have led to an alarming situation-- continued reduction of licensed mechanics, the shutting down of maintenance bases in the United States, and the outsourcing of maintenance to lowballing contractors. Outsourcing has forced thousands of licensed mechanics into retirement or different careers. For those mechanics still employed in the United States, the ever-present threat to their jobs does nothing to cultivate loyalty to an employer and devotion to a task. The Federal Aviation Administration, which should be overseeing quality control, is caught in a conflicted dual role--charged with regulating safety on the one hand and assuring the fiscal stability of airlines on the other. This disturbing wakeup call for improved airline safety standards highlights the critical importance of attention to detail. Porter recommends that the numbers and job security of airline mechanics be increased and that they be vested with an authority level akin to medical professionals"--
해제Provided by publisher.
주제명(지명)United States. --fast
일반주제명Aircraft accidents --Investigation --United States --Case studies.
Airplanes --United States --Maintenance and repair --Case studies.
Aeronautics --United States --Safety measures.
Disasters --United States --Case studies.
Aeronautics --Safety measures.
Aircraft accidents --Investigation.
Airplanes --Maintenance and repair.
Business & Economics: Industries / Transportation.
Transportation: Aviation / History.


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