대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Started Sailing, Expanded and Updated

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서명/저자사항Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Started Sailing, Expanded and Updated/ John Vigor.
개인저자Vigor, John,author.
형태사항1 online resource.
내용주기Intro -- Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Introduction -- A -- Accidents -- Advice -- Anchoring -- Anchor soaking -- Anxiety -- Astern gear -- Autopilots -- Avoiding collisions -- B -- Balanced helm -- Basic requirements -- Battens -- Berthing -- Bestsellers, how to write -- Bilge pumps -- Binoculars -- Black box theory -- Boat categories -- Boat choice -- Boat design -- Boat dimensions -- Boat size -- Boatyards -- Bottom paint -- Bow rollers -- Brotherhood of sail -- Building a boat -- Bulwarks -- Bunks -- C -- Capsize -- Carbon monoxide -- Chartering -- Cleats -- Climbing the mast
Coast Guard powers -- Cockpits -- Common sense -- Compasses -- Compasses, importance of -- Compromises -- Cooking at sea -- Cooking with alcohol -- Crew overboard -- Crew problems -- Cruising bliss -- Cruising costs -- Cruising dreams -- Currents -- D -- Danger -- Design, learning about -- Designers, how to drive crazy -- Dinghies -- Dinghies, crossing oceans in -- Direction-finding radio -- Dismasting -- Displacement -- Documentation -- Downwind sailing -- Drinking seawater -- Drowning -- E -- Edible boats -- Electricity, idle thoughts -- Electrolysis -- Emergency gear -- Engine power
Engines, accessibility -- Engines, bleeding -- Engines, clean fuel -- Engines, fuel consumption -- Engines, gasoline -- Engines, life expectancy -- Engines, operating -- Engines, runaway -- Engines, surveying -- Engines, tools -- Engines, unnecessary -- Engines, unreliable -- F -- Fear -- First sail, memories -- Fog -- Forecasting weather -- Freak waves -- Freshwater supplies -- G -- Gifts, Christmas -- GPS -- Grounding -- H -- Hair -- Hallucinations -- Headroom -- Hidden mysteries -- Hobbyhorsing -- Holding value -- Hurricanes -- Hypothermia -- I-K -- Ice on board -- Inertia
Joy, of small, simple boats -- Keel design -- Knots -- L -- Leaks -- Learning the ropes -- Learning to sail -- Leeway -- Lessons my boats have taught me -- Lies -- Life rafts -- Life rafts, need for, further thoughts -- Lifelines -- Lightning -- Log books -- Love, unrequited -- Luck -- M -- Magnetic North, reversing -- Maintenance -- Maintenance, teak -- Masts and madness -- Messing about -- Mildew and mold -- Moorings -- N -- Nautical mile -- Navigation aids -- Navigation difficulties -- Navigation lights -- Nightmares, sailors' worst -- Night sailing -- Night vision -- Non-essentials -- O
Obsession -- Old saws, incorrect -- Osmosis -- Overhangs -- P -- Performance -- Pets -- Plankton -- Pollution -- Prices -- Privacy -- Propellers -- R -- Racing -- Radar -- Radar reflectors -- Rain -- Reading, suggestions -- Reefing -- Refrigeration -- Relative speeds -- Renaming a boat -- Repainting -- Resolutions, New Year's -- Responsibility -- Rigging -- Rig-tuning, inexpensive method -- Right of way -- Rigs -- Roller furling, perils of -- Rules of the road -- Running aground -- Running lights -- Running rigging -- S -- Safety harnesses -- Safety and smallness -- Sail materials
요약With a Foreword by Don Casey, Vigor, who's written for several boating magazines, has brought his experience and sense of humor to bear on the less than ideal experiences of sailing--and he's even alphabetized them...It's fun to page through and you just might learn a thing or two. (Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal) This book is easy to read. It imparts some very valuable information in a fun package. (Good Old Boat) This is a great reference book for those just entering the world of sailing, and entertaining. (Latitudes & Attitudes) ""Vigor, who's written for several boating magazines,
일반주제명Sailing --Handbooks, manuals, etc.


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