대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Intergenerational contact zones place-based strategies for promoting social inclusion and belonging

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Intergenerational contact zones : place-based strategies for promoting social inclusion and belonging/ edited by Matthew Kaplan, Leng Leng Thang, Mariano Sa?nchez and Jaco Hoffman.
개인저자Kaplan, Matt,editor,
Thang, Leng Leng,1965- editor,
Hoffman, Jacobus Retief,1962- editor,
Sa?nchez Marti?nez, Mariano,editor,
형태사항1 online resource (xviii, 332 pages): illustrations, map (black and white).
기타형태 저록Print version: 036718902X 9780367189020

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Montepare and Mark Sciegaj Chapter 14. Adding Excitement and Relevance to Second Language Learning: Imagining a School-based English Language Center as an Intergenerational Contact Zone Alan Lai Part IV. Residential Settings and Family Life Chapter 15. Intergenerational Living in Cohousing Communities Lisia Zheng Chapter 16. Cocktails in Care Homes : An intergenerational strategy for bridging the care home -- community divide Phoebe Grudzinskas and Susan Langford Chapter 17. Senior Housing as a Community Hub for Intergenerational Interaction Nancy Henkin and Taryn Patterson Chapter 18. The Japanese teapot: Objects at home that possess Intergenerational Contact Zone generating properties Yoshika Yamamoto and Leng Leng Thang Chapter 19. The Virtual Environment as Intergenerational Contact Zone: Play through Digital Gaming Eyu Zang Part V.
Social Development: National/International Contexts Chapter 20. Multigenerational Cyclical Support System: Programs in Japan for "Designing a Sustainable Society through Intergenerational Co-creation." Masataka Kuraoka Chapter 21. Exploring Design Principles and Strategies for Intergenerational Places in Australia: Revealing Opportunities and Potential in Beach and Public Pool Settings. Kah Mun Tham, Diane Jones and Ann Quinlan; Architect Chapter 22. Intergenerational Contact Zones in Contested Places and Spaces: The Olive Tree as Entity and Symbol Suzanne Hammad Part VI. Methods Chapter 23. A Toolkit for Intergenerational Contact Zones Application Mariano Sa?nchez and Philip B. Stafford Chapter 24. Intergenerational programs and intergenerational contact zones: Aligning notions of 'good quality' Mariano Sa?nchez, Pilar Di?az, Andre?s Rodri?guez and Rosa Bonachela Chapter 25.
이용제한사항Legal Deposit;Only available on premises controlled by the deposit library and to one user at any one time;The Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations (UK).
요약In Intergenerational Contact Zones, Kaplan, Thang, Snchez, and Hoffman introduce novel ways of thinking, planning, and designing intergenerationally enriched environments. Filled with vivid examples of how ICZs breathe new life into communities and social practices, this important volume focuses on practical descriptions of ways in which practitioners and researchers could translate and infuse the notion of ICZ into their work. The ICZ concept embraces generation and regeneration of community life, parks and recreational locations, educational environments, residential settings and family life, and national and international contexts for social development. With its focus on creating effective and meaningful intergenerational settings, it offers a rich how-to toolkit to help professionals and user groups as they begin to consider ways to develop, activate, and nurture intergenerational spaces. Intergenerational Contact Zones will be essential reading for academics and researchers interested in human development, aging, and society, as well as practitioners, educators, and policy makers interested in intergenerational gathering places from an international perspective.
일반주제명Intergenerational relations.
Social integration.
Belonging (Social psychology)
Relations entre ge?ne?rations.
Inte?gration sociale.
Appartenance (Psychologie sociale)
Belonging (Social psychology)
Intergenerational relations.
Social integration.


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