대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Contested ground how to understand the limits of presidential power

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Contested ground : how to understand the limits of presidential power/ Daniel A. Farber.
개인저자Farber, Daniel A.,1950- author.
형태사항1 online resource (xi, 264 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Farber, Daniel A., 1950- Contested ground Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2021] 9780520343948

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Creating the presidency -- Clashing visions of presidential power -- The president and foreign affairs -- Taking the country to war -- The bureaucrat in chief -- The domestic policy Czar -- Presidential power versus individual rights -- The president and the courts -- Congressional checks and balances -- Concluding thoughts.
요약"Presidential power is hotly disputed these days - as it has been many times in recent decades. Yet the same rules must apply to all presidents, those whose abuses of power we fear as well as those whose exercises of power we applaud. This book is about what constitutional law tells us about presidential power and its limits. It is very difficult to strike the right balance between limiting abuse of power and authorizing its exercise when needed. This book advocates a balanced, pragmatic approach to these issues, rooted in history and Supreme Court rulings"--
해제Provided by publisher.
주제명(단체명)United States. --Supreme Court --Decision making.
United States. --Supreme Court.
주제명(지명)United States. --fast
일반주제명Executive power --United States.
Presidents --United States.
Separation of powers --United States.
Decision making.
Executive power.
Separation of powers.
LAW / Constitutional


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