대구한의대학교 향산도서관



The lives of fungi a natural history of our planet's decomposers

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항The lives of fungi : a natural history of our planet's decomposers/ Britt A. Bunyard.
개인저자Bunyard, Britt Allen,author.
형태사항1 online resource (289 pages): color illustrations.

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기What are fungi? -- REPRODUCTION -- Spore dispersal -- Zoochory -- Mimicry -- Phoenicaulis Rust: Flower mimic -- Bamboo Stinkhorn: Odor attractants -- Artillery Fungus: Explosive spore release -- Aquatic Mushroom: Underwater ballistospory -- Scarlet Berry Truffle: Fruit mimic -- Hat Thrower: Explosive reproduction -- CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY -- A strange chemistry -- Intoxicating fungi -- Chemical mind control -- Needle Cast Fungus: Chemical warfare -- Ergot: Historically toxic -- Tinder Polypore: Fire starter -- Caterpillar Fungus: Priceless medicine -- Mycotoxin Producer: Biowarfare agent -- Flying Saltshaker Fungus: Gruesome reproduction -- SAPROBES AND PARASITES -- Our rotten world -- Parasites of animals -- Parasites of plants -- Beech Orange Fungus: Otherworldly reproductive forms -- Corn Smut: Prized pathogen -- Horn Stalkball: Cadaver composter -- Fairy Ring Mushroom: Marcescent mushroom -- Lobster Mushroom: Mushroom parasite -- Green Stain: Prized by artisans -- PATHOGENS, PANDEMICS, AND SCOURGES -- World-changing fungi -- Fungi through history -- Human impact -- Caesar's Mushroom: History maker -- Spore Eater: -- Unusual lifestyle -- Downy Mildew of Grape: Scientific serendipity -- Emerging Threat: Human pathogen -- St. George's Mushroom: Celebrated mushroom -- Slime Mold Eater: Cryptic fungus -- MUTUALISTIC SYMBIONTS -- Everything depends on everything else -- Fungus-animal mutualisms -- Fungus-plant mutualisms -- Lichens -- Mossy Maze Polypore: Bizarre love triangle -- Beetle Hangers: Animal symbionts -- Titan Mushroom: Animal symbiont -- Horsehair Lichens: Hiding in plain sight -- Conifer Maze Conk: Habitat creator -- Ash Bolete: Strange symbiosis -- FUNGI AND HUMANS -- A changing planet -- Fungi in our homes and gardens -- Unwelcome fungi -- Dry Rot Fungus: Home wrecker -- Noble Rot Fungus: Delicious chemistry -- Lasso Fungi: Farmer's friend -- European Fly Agaric: Invasive species -- Cultivated Mushrooms: Domesticated mushrooms -- Nebrodo Oyster Mushroom: Endangered species -- FUNGI AND THE FUTURE -- Fungi that heal and feed -- Fungi that kill -- Magic mushrooms -- Extreme fungi -- Pe?rigord Truffle: Most prized -- Burn Morels: Enigmatic mushroom -- Death Cap: Most infamous -- Magic Mushrooms: Amazing chemistry -- Stonemaker Fungus: Elusive mushrooms -- Bonfire Cups: Amazing ecology
요약"A fascinating and richly illustrated exploration of the natural history of fungiWe know fungi are important, for us as well as the environment. But how they live, and what they can do, remains mysterious and surprising. Filled with stunning photographs, The Lives of Fungi presents an inside look into their hidden and extraordinary world.The wonders of fungi are myriad: a mushroom poking up through leaf litter literally overnight, or the sensational hit of umami from truffle shavings. Alexander Fleming cured infections with mold and spiritual guides have long used psychedelic mushrooms to enhance understanding. Then there are the tiny threads of fungi, called hyphae, that create a communications network for the natural world while decomposing organic matter. Combining engaging and accessible text with beautiful images, The Lives of Fungi lays out all the essential facts about fungi for the mycologically curious."--
해제Provided by publisher
일반주제명Fungi --Ecology.
Fungi --Pictorial works.
Champignons --E?cologie.
Champignons --Ouvrages illustre?s.
NATURE / Plants / Mushrooms
Fungi --Ecology.


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