대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Disruption of the CFTR Gene Produces a Model of Cystic Fibrosis in Newborn Pigs: / Rogers, Christopher S,Stoltz, David A,Meyerholz, David K,Ostedgaard, Lynda S,Rokhlina, Tatiana,Taft, Peter J,Rogan, Mark P,Pezzulo, Alejandro A,Karp, Philip H,Itani, Omar A,Kabel, Amanda C,Wohlford-Lenane, Christine L,Davis, Greg J,Hanfland, Robert A,Smith, Tony L,Samuel, Melissa,Wax, David,Murphy, Clifton N,Rieke, August,Whitworth, Kristin,Uc, Aliye,Starner, Timothy D,Brogden, Kim A,Shilyansky, Joel,Mccray, Paul B,Zabner, Joseph / American Association of Advancement Science / Science / 2008 /
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