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41 단행본 Basics of acupuncture 5th ed 미리보기
삼성캠퍼스 대출가능 열기
Stux, Gabriel Springer Verlag 519.9 S937b5 2003
42 단행본 Chinese herbal medicine : materia medica 3rd ed 미리보기
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Bensky, Dan Eastland Press 519.8 B474c3 2004
43 단행본 Standard acupuncture nomenclature, part 1 revised deition 미리보기
삼성캠퍼스 대출불가(별치) 열기
World Health Organization World Health Organization 519.9 W927s V.1 1991
44 단행본 Standard acupuncture nomenclature, part 2 revised deition 미리보기
삼성캠퍼스 대출불가(별치) 열기
World Health Organization World Health Organization 519.9 W927s V.2 1991
45 단행본 Moxibustionology, [1] - Basic concepts of moxibustion 미리보기
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성정우 Academy 519.9 성정우ㅁ V.1 1989
46 단행본 (Introduction to) Korean ginseng : elixir of life 미리보기
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Korea Ginseng & Tabacco Research Institute 519.81 코리안 1983
47 단행본 Moxibustionology, [2] - Yellow emperor's moxibustion point 미리보기
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성정우 Academy 519.9 성정우ㅁ V.2 1989
48 단행본 Theory of the triangular acupuncture therapy 미리보기
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종민현 Samwon Munwha Sa 519.99 종민현ㄷ
49 단행본 Who International standard terminologies on traditional medition in the western pacific region 미리보기
수성캠퍼스 대출가능 열기
World Health Organization World Health Organization 519 W927w 2007
50 단행본 (The 10th) International Congress of Oriental Medicine = 第10回國際東洋醫學會 미리보기
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[s.n.] 519.026 I61 V.10 1999
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