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1 단행본 Gang investigations : A street cop's guide 미리보기
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Watkins, Derrick Jones and Bartlett 334.3 W335g 2007
2 단행본 School crisis prevention and intervention 미리보기
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Kerr, Mary Margaret Prentice Hall 334.3 K41s 2009
3 단행본 靑少年學總論 미리보기
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조영승 敎育科學社 334.3 조영승차 1997
4 단행본 虐待 : 沈默を破つた毋親たち 미리보기
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보판섭 岩波書店 334.3 보판섭ㅎ 1999
5 단행본 (A) Child called "it" : one child's courage to survive 미리보기
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Pelzer, David J Health Communications 334.3 P393c 1995
6 단행본 Youth and society Third edition 미리보기
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White, R. D. 334.3 W587y3 2013
7 단행본 兒童 不良行爲習慣 糾正指南 미리보기
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왕명비 北京科學技術出版社 334.3 아동불 1992
8 단행본 靑少年問題와 敎育 미리보기
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청소년문제연구소 靑少年問題硏究所 334.3 청소년차 1985
9 단행본 Generation on Hold : Coming of age in the late twentieth century 미리보기
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Cote, James E New York University 334.3 C843g 1995
10 단행본 At-Risk Youth : A Comprehensive Response for Counselors, Teachers, Psychologists, and Human Service Professionals 미리보기
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McWhirter, J. Jeffries Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning 334.3 A861-3 2004
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