대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Our very own tree

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Our very own tree/ by Lawrence F. Lowery.
개인저자Lowery, Lawrence F.,author.
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항I wonder why series
기타형태 저록Print version: Lowery, Lawrence F. Our very own tree. Arlington, Virginia : NSTA Press, National Science Teachers Association, [2015] 9781941316245

요약"The I Wonder Why series is a set of science books created specifically for young learners who are in their first years of school. The content for each book was chosen to be appropriate for youngsters who are beginning to construct knowledge of the world around them. These youngsters ask questions. They want to know about things. They are more curious than they will be when they are a decade older. Research shows that science is students' favorite subject when they enter school for the first time. Science is both what we know and how we come to know it. What we know is the content knowledge that accumulates over time as scientists continue to explore the universe in which we live. How we come to know science is the set of thinking and reasoning processes we use to get answers to the questions and inquiries in which we are engaged. Scientists learn by observing, comparing, and organizing the objects and ideas they are investigating. Children learn the same way. The thinking processes are among several inquiry behaviors that enable us to find out about our world and how it works. Observing, comparing, and organizing are fundamental to the more advanced thinking processes of relating, experimenting, and inferring. The science activities in the Parent/Teacher Handbook section enable learners to carry out their own investigations related to the content of the book. The materials needed for these activities are easily obtained, and the activities have been tested with youngsters to be sure they are age appropriate."--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Oak --Life cycles --Juvenile literature.
Oak --Juvenile literature.
Acorns --Juvenile literature.
Oak --Life cycles.
JUVENILE NONFICTION / Science & Nature / Flowers & Plants


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