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50 fantastic ideas for mark making

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항50 fantastic ideas for mark making/ Alistair Bryce-Clegg.
개인저자Bryce-Clegg, Alistair,author.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Bryce-Clegg, Alistair. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Mark Making. London : Bloomsbury Publishing, ?015 9781472913241

내용주기Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; Sparkle dust; Magic blackboard; Snow; Laminated faces; Blackboard table; Takeaway tray; Mark making mirror; Smelly pictures; Rainbow bubble writing; Soil trays; Overhead projector doodles; Shadow drawing; PVA in a builder's tray; Marshmallow paint; Woolly brushes; Ice chalk; Discovery chalk; Summer snow; Scratch and sniff paint; Flower head splodge; Popping candy paint; Frozen foam paint; Epsom salt sand; Magnetic slime; Magnetic sand; Fluorescent rice; Edible marshmallow sticks; Styrofoam mono prints; Chopping board mark making; Fizzy pictures.
Ice lolly fizzerChalkboard canvas or tea tray; Clean dirt!; Peg fan; Bingo dabber; Window squeegee; Cocktail stick draggers; Felt tip cars; Paper towel art; Paint, pompoms and pegs; Tin twang; Double brush painting; Smelly sand paint; Ice painting; Musical mark making; Puffy sand paint; Gloop slime; Homemade powder paint; Chocolate mousse mark making; Deconstructed role play.
요약Children are naturally drawn to mark-making. Long before they pick up a pencil or a paintbrush, they will experiment with making marks using their own bodies as well as various found objects that they come across in day-to-day life. By collecting together a whole host of ideas for different mark-making utensils, as well as exploring numerous substances and surfaces that children can mark-make on and in, this book supports both individual and group mark-making.
주제명(지명)Great Britain. --fast
일반주제명Early childhood education --Activity programs --Great Britain.
EDUCATION --Elementary.
Early childhood education --Activity programs.


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