대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Social media strategy : marketing and advertising in the consumer revolution

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Social media strategy : marketing and advertising in the consumer revolution/ Keith A. Quesenberry.
개인저자Quesenberry, Keith A.,1971- author.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Quesenberry, Keith A., 1971- Social media strategy 9781442251526

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Social Media Strategy ; Detailed Contents ; Brief Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Introduction; PART I: An Overview of Social Media; 1: The Scale and Scope of Social Media; The Rise of Social Media; The Size of Social Influence ; Mini Case: Kony 2012; Theoretically Speaking: Interactivity and Two-Way Communication; Social Plan Part 1: Discover and Explore; Questions for Discussion; Additional Exercises; 2: Shifting Influences and the Decline of Push Marketing ; When Push Comes to Shove; Box: Push versus Pull; Mass Media to Consumer Communication; Mini Case: Sony Europe
Theoretically Speaking: Social Presence and Media RichnessSocial Plan Part 2: Adding to the Noise; Questions for Discussion; Additional Exercises; 3: A Marketer's Point of View: Moving from Control to Engagement; The Advertising Age Is Over; Mini Case: Queensland Tourism; From Interruption to Engagement; Theoretically Speaking: The Four Ps to the Four Cs; Social Plan Part 3: Quantifying Engagement; Questions for Discussion; Additional Exercises; PART II: No Hype: A Strategic Framework That Works; 4: Lay a Foundation, Frame the Conversation; Goals, Analysis, and Targets
Box: Objectives Should Meet SMART GuidelinesGather Primary and Secondary Data; Mini Case: Old Spice New Target; Listen with a Social Media Audit; Theoretically Speaking: Market Segmentation; Social Plan Part 4: Objectives, Target, Situation Analysis, and Audit; Questions for Discussion; Additional Exercises; 5: Make Repairs and Jumpstart the Conversation; Fix Operations, Product, and Service Issues; Big Ideas and Being Interesting; Box: What Is Account Planning?; Mini Case: Chipotle Scarecrow; Theoretically Speaking: Ethnographic Observational Research
Social Plan Part 5: Repair Plan and Big IdeaQuestions for Discussion; Additional Exercises; 6: The Magic Number 3: Integrating Social, Marketing, and PR; The Real Convergence; Box: The Attention Economy; Think Like an Expert in All Fields; Mini Case: Burger King Subservient Chicken; Theoretically Speaking: Corporate and Marketing Communication, PR, and Advertising ; Social Plan Part 6: Integrate Traditional Marketing with Social Strategy; Questions for Discussion; Additional Exercises; Part III: Choose Social Options for Target, Message, and Idea; 7: Social Networks, Blogs, and Forums
Choosing Social OptionsSocial Networks; Facebook; LinkedIn; Google+; Social Network Considerations; Blogs and Forums; Mini Case: GM Fastlane Blog; Blogger; WordPress; Tumblr; Forums; Blog and Forum Considerations; Social Plan Part 7: Select Social Networks, Blog Platforms, and Forums; Questions for Discussion; Additional Exercises; 8: Microblogging and Media Sharing; Microblogging; Twitter; Pinterest; Microblogging Considerations; Mini Case: Pharrell's "Happy"; Media Sharing; YouTube; Flickr; Instagram; Media-Sharing Considerations; Social Plan Part 8: Choose Most Strategic Content Sharing
요약A practical guide to marketing, advertising, and public relations in a world of social media-empowered consumers. This step-by-step introduction to building brand benefit through social clout is grounded in a refreshing mix of academic research, theory, industry statistics, and real-world examples. No hype, just solid social media strategy.
일반주제명Internet marketing.
Internet advertising.
Social media.
Internet in public relations.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior
Internet advertising.
Internet in public relations.
Internet marketing.
Social media.


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