대구한의대학교 향산도서관



Memes of translation : the spread of ideas in translation theory Revised edition

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Memes of translation : the spread of ideas in translation theory/ Andrew Chesterman, University of Helsinki.
개인저자Chesterman, Andrew,author.
판사항Revised edition.
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항EST subseries;volume 123
Benjamins Translation Library (BTL)
기타형태 저록Print version: Chesterman, Andrew. Memes of translation. Revised Edition. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2016] 9789027258687

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Preface; Chapter 1; Survival machines for memes; 1.1 Introducing memes; 1.2 Five translation supermemes; 1.2.1 Source-target ; 1.2.2 Equivalence; 1.2.3 Untranslatability; 1.2.4 Free-vs-literal ; 1.2.5 All-writing-is-translating; 1.3 The locus of memes; 1.4 A Popperian meme; 1.5 Update; Chapter 2; The evolution of translation memes; 2.1 Words; 2.2 The Word of God; 2.3 Rhetoric; 2.4 Logos; 2.5 Linguistic science; 2.6 Communication; 2.7 Target; 2.8 Cognition; 2.9 Theory in the current meme pool; 2.10 Update; Chapter 3; From memes to norms; 3.1 Normative vs. prescriptive ; 3.2 Norm theory.
3.3 Norms of language 3.4 What counts as a translation? ; 3.5 Translation norms; 3.5.1 Toury's norms; 3.5.2 Expectancy norms; 3.5.3 Professional norms; 3.6 General translation laws and normative laws; 3.6.1 Translation laws; 3.6.2 Normative laws ; 3.6.3 Explanations; 3.7 Norms as constraints; 3.8 On expectancy norms for English; 3.9 Update; Chapter 4; Translation strategies; 4.1 General characteristics of strategies; 4.2 A classification; 4.2.1 Syntactic strategies; 4.2.2 Semantic strategies ; 4.2.3 Pragmatic strategies; 4.3 Motivation; 4.3.1 The significance threshold; 4.3.2 Compensation.
4.4 UpdateChapter 5; Translation as theory; 5.1 Tentative Theory, Error Elimination and translational competence; 5.2 Retrospective assessment; 5.3 Prospective assessment; 5.4 Lateral assessment; 5.5 Introspective assessment; 5.6 Pedagogical assessment; 5.7 Mind the gap!; 5.8 Update; Chapter 6; The development of translational competence; 6.1 Stages of expertise; 6.2 The significance of memes; 6.3 Suggestions for teaching; 6.4 Ontogenetic = phylogenetic?; 6.5 Bootstraps; 6.6 Update; Chapter 7; On translation ethics; 7.1 Background issues; 7.2 Norms, actions and values; 7.3 Clarity; 7.4 Truth.
7.5 Trust7.6 Understanding; 7.7 The Translator's Charter; 7.8 Emancipatory translation; 7.9 Update; Epilogue; Appendix; References; Preface; Update; Acknowledgements; 1. Survival machines for memes; 1.1 Introducing memes; 1.2 Five translation supermemes; 1.2.1 Source-target; 1.2.2 Equivalence; 1.2.3 Untranslatability; 1.2.4 Free-vs-literal; 1.2.5 All-writing-is-translating; 1.3 The locus of memes; 1.4 A Popperian meme; 1.5 Update; 2. The evolution of translation memes; 2.1 Words; 2.2 The Word of God; 2.3 Rhetoric; 2.4 Logos; 2.5 Linguistic science; 2.6 Communication; 2.7 Target; 2.8 Cognition.
2.9 Theory in the current meme pool2.10 Update; 3. From memes to norms; 3.1 Normative vs. prescriptive; 3.2 Norm theory; 3.3 Norms of language; 3.4 What counts as a translation?; 3.5 Translation norms; 3.5.1 Toury's norms; 3.5.2 Expectancy norms; 3.5.3 Professional norms; 3.6 General translation laws and normative laws; 3.6.1 Translation laws; 3.6.2 Normative laws; 3.6.3 Explanations; 3.7 Norms as constraints; 3.8 On expectancy norms for English; 3.9 Update; 4. Translation strategies; 4.1 General characteristics of strategies; 4.2 A classification; 4.2.1 Syntactic strategies.
일반주제명Translating and interpreting --Theory, etc.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY --Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --Linguistics --General.


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