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Awakening Somatic Intelligence [electronic resource] : Understanding, Learning & Practicing the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method & Hatha Yoga

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서명/저자사항Awakening Somatic Intelligence [electronic resource] : Understanding, Learning & Practicing the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method & Hatha Yoga.
개인저자Lynn, Graeme.
발행사항London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource (210 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Lynn, Graeme. Awakening Somatic Intelligence : Understanding, Learning & Practicing the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method & Hatha Yoga. London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, ?016 9781848193345
내용주기Awakening Somatic Intelligence -- Understanding, Learning and Practicing the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method and Hatha Yoga by Graeme Lynn; The Natural State; Introduction; The Infinite Network of Possibility; Freedom from Reaction -- Michael D. Frederick; The Nature of Water; Summary Views; The Evolution of a Technique; Essentials of the Work; Freedom; The foundation of learning; The integrity of the physical mechanism; Relaxation; The human process as an integrated psychophysical event.
The universality of self-contracting habits of movement, coordination and acture and the resultant unreliability of self-sensing and vicious spiral of increasingly unreliable and ineffective functionThe fourteen senses; The fact of a senior organizing function; The importance of good habits; Structure, Function, Self-Organization and Use; Yoga: Structure and function; Basic Coordination; Motor concepts and percepts; The causes of pain; The actural dynamic; The hip joints, the movement of the pelvis and grounding; More on giving directions; Organizing Principles; Use.
Attention (interested observation)Intelligence; The primary control; Sensorimotor Unreliability; Self-correction; Self-contraction; Holism; Intention; The four imaginary centres; The frontal line; Tensegrity; Habit, learning and freedom; Lessons; A First Possible Lesson; A Second (Impossible) Lesson; Teaching Remarks; Ends and means; Manipulations; Evolutions; Positions of mechanical advantage; Elemental movements; Applications; Illustrations: Writing and lifting; Breathing; The whispered 'ah'; The Tarzan breath; Hands on the back of a chair.
Alternative approaches to the organization of functionAwareness Through Movement; An analysis of movement; Pain as misinformation; Intelligence; Awareness; Release and differentiation; Directed movement; Emergent learning; Integration; Intelligence in Action; Abbreviations; Hatha Yoga; A Somatic Approach; Stretching; Alignment and symmetry; Pain as information; General instructions; Questions and Answers; Isn't good posture really just a matter of holding oneself properly?; What makes a movement good?; Is the Alexander Technique a remedy for arthritis?; Will the Technique make me look better?
Can elderly people benefit from these methods?Can chiropractic and massage help a bad back?; What about physical exercise?; My physiotherapist tells me to strengthen my abdominal muscles to stabilize my back: is that correct?; Will I always have to work on myself?; Can the Technique be useful in the field of healthcare?; Final Words; Individual Practice; The bodily patterns of effort, anxiety, protection and collapse; Freedom in Action; References; Recommended Reading; Acknowledgments.
일반주제명Movement disorders --Alternative treatment.
Alexander technique.
Feldenkrais method.
Hatha yoga --Therapeutic use.
PSYCHOLOGY / Applied Psychology
SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General
SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness
SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success


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