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Attachment and Emotional Development in the Classroom : Theory and Practice

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Attachment and Emotional Development in the Classroom : Theory and Practice.
개인저자Geddes, Heather.
Nash, Poppy,
Cahill, Janice,
Satchwell-Hirst, Maisie,
De Thierry, Betsy,
Wilson, Peter,
Rose, Janet,
Colley, David,
Cooper, Paul,
Carpenter, Barry,
발행사항London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
형태사항1 online resource (338 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Geddes, Heather. Attachment and Emotional Development in the Classroom : Theory and Practice. London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, ?017 9781785921346

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
내용주기Attachment and Emotional Development in the Classroom: Theory and Practice, edited by David Colley and Paul Cooper; Foreword by Barry Carpenter; Introduction: David Colley and Paul Cooper; 1. Models of Emotional Development by David Colley and Paul Cooper; 2. Attachment Behaviour and Learning by Heather Geddes; 3. Neuroscience and Emotional Development: The Basics Explained by Maisie Satchwell-Hirst; 4. Attachment Aware Schools by Janet Rose and Louise Gilbert; 5. Emotion Coaching by Licette Gus and Felicia Wood.
6. Promoting Resilience in Schools: The Importance of Both Training and Reflection for Teachers and School Staff by Mike Solomon7. Emotional Development and Missed Early Experiences: The Nurture Group Approach by David Colley; 8. Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children in the Classroom by Betsy de Thierry; 9. People Meet in a Classroom and Say 'Hello': A Psychoanalytic Perspective on the Emotional Relationship between the Teacher and Student by Peter Wilson; 10. A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Change and Transition in Education by Biddy Youell.
11. Supporting Children and Young People with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties: Working in a Multi-agency Team by Kathy Evans and Erica Pavord12. Emotional Development and Children in Care: The Virtual School Perspective by Tony Clifford and Anne-Marie McBlain; 13. Social Pedagogy in the Classroom: Supporting Children and Young People in Care by Emma Black, Michael Bettencourt and Claire Cameron; 14. Including Children with Disorganised Attachment in Mainstream Primary Schools by Maggie Swarbrick.
15. The Importance of Professional Supervision for All Staff in Schools by Dave Roberts16. Emotional Development and Approaches to Classroom Management by Jon Reid; 17. Disruptive Behaviour and Unsolved Problems by Poppy Nash; 18. Classroom Behaviour: Finding What Works for You by John Visser; 19. Supporting the Emotional Development of Teenagers by Janice Cahill; Conclusion: Drawing Together the Threads by David Colley and Paul Cooper; Author Biographies; Subject Index; Author Index; Blank Page.
요약As part of preparation for the classroom, it's key for trainee teachers to understand the emotional needs of students. This book provides a clear introduction to emotional development and attachment, offering advice and guidance from a diverse range of professional perspectives including psychology, health and education.
일반주제명Emotions and cognition.
Attachment behavior.
Emotions in children.
Learning, Psychology of.
Teacher-student relationships --Psychological aspects.
EDUCATION --Organizations & Institutions.
EDUCATION --Reference.
Attachment behavior.
Emotions and cognition.
Emotions in children.
Learning, Psychology of.
Teacher-student relationships --Psychological aspects.


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