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Humanizing the classroom [electronic resource] using role-play to teach social and emotional skills in middle school and high school

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서명/저자사항Humanizing the classroom : using role-play to teach social and emotional skills in middle school and high school/ Kristin Stuart Valdes. [electronic resource].
개인저자Valdes, Kristin Stuart,1967- author.
발행사항Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, [2019].
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Valdes, Kristin Stuart, 1967- author. Humanizing the classroom Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, [2019] 9781475840469

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Foundations -- Why and how should we teach social and emotional skills? -- Social and emotional learning role plays -- Facilitating collaborative, creative, and experiential learning -- Social and emotional learning and culturally responsive pedagogy -- Sel role plays for the classroom -- Curriculum organization -- The lessons -- Physical sensations -- Identity and assumptions -- Mindsets -- Metacognition -- Expanding our emotional vocabulary -- Understanding our underlying needs -- Deep breathing and meditation -- Identity, skin color, and culture -- Self talk and shifting mindsets -- Neutrality -- Persistence -- Understanding anger -- Understanding fear and anxiety stress -- Understanding sadness -- Coping strategies for anger, fear, and sadness -- Understanding bias -- Understanding stereotype -- Personal space -- Nonverbal communication -- Code shifting -- Cognitive empathy -- Rules and norms -- Emotional display rules -- Understanding prejudice -- Understanding discrimination -- The power of "no" -- Setting personal boundaries -- Thinking time -- Do-overs -- Paraphrasing -- Positive affirmations -- Emotional empathy -- I feel messages -- Passive / Assertive /Aggressive -- Safe ways to be and ally -- Identifying underlying causes -- Wants, needs, priorities -- Compassionate empathy -- I need messages -- Meditation -- Standing up to oppression.
요약"This book presents the pedagogical basis for using role plays to teach social and emotional skills, and provides over 45 model lessons that can be delivered in middle and high school classrooms. A rich resource for principals and classroom teachers, it addresses the how, why and what of teaching social and emotional skills in our diverse society"--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Affective education.
Emotional intelligence --Study and teaching (Middle school)
Emotional intelligence --Study and teaching (Secondary)
Social learning.
Role playing.
Affective education.
Role playing.
Social learning.
EDUCATION / Organizations & Institutions
EDUCATION / Reference


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