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Developing a schoolwide framework to prevent and manage learning and behavior problems [electronic resource]. Second edition

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Developing a schoolwide framework to prevent and manage learning and behavior problems/ Kathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Wendy Peia Oakes, Jemma Robertson Kalberg. [electronic resource].
개인저자Lane, Kathleen L.,author.
Menzies, Holly Mariah,author,
Oakes, Wendy Peia,author,
Kalberg, Jemma Robertson,author,
판사항Second edition.
발행사항New York, NY: The Guilford Press, [2020].
형태사항1 online resource (274 pages).
기타형태 저록Print version: Lane, Kathleen Lynne. Developing a Schoolwide Framework to Prevent and Manage Learning and Behavior Problems, Second Edition. New York : Guilford Publications, ©2019 9781462541744
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Half Title Page; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; About the Authors; Acknowledgments; Contents; Part I. An Introduction to Comprehensive, Integrated Three-Tiered Models of Prevention; 1. Preventing and Managing Learning and Behavior Challenges in Our Schools: A Comprehensive, Integrated Approach-A Formidable Task; Supporting Students' Multiple Needs; A Shift in Focus: Tiered Systems of Support; Ci3T Models of Prevention; A Commitment to Comprehensive, Integrated Systems; Purpose; 2. A Look at Evidence Surrounding Tiered Systems
Evidence for the Effectiveness of Tiered Models: Tier 1 EffortsCi3T: One Unified System; Teacher-Delivered Low-Intensity Supports; Tier 2 and Tier 3 Supports; Teacher Efficacy and Perceptions; Data-Informed Professional Learning; Summary; Part II. Overview of the Ci3T Implementation Manual; 3. Designing and Implementing a Ci3T Model; A Team-Based Process for Training and Developing the Model: A Focus on the Schoolwide System; Constructing the Primary (Tier 1) Prevention Plan; Summary; 4. Examining Tier 1 Efforts: Monitoring Treatment Integrity and Social Validity
Monitoring Ci3T Implementation: Is the Plan Being Put in Place as Designed?Assessing Stakeholder Feedback: What Do People Think about the Ci3T Model?; Summary; Part III. A Focus on Data-Informed Decision Making; 5. Determining How Well Ci3T Is Meeting the Goals: Procedures for Monitoring Overall Student Performance; Monitoring Student Progress: How Are Students Responding to Ci3T?; Screening for Early Detection: Who Needs More Support?; Examining the Schoolwide Data: Analyzing Multiple Sources of Data in Tandem; Summary; 6. Empowering Teachers with Low-Intensity, Teacher-Delivered Strategies
Data-Informed Decision Making: Using Teacher-Delivered StrategiesLow-Intensity, Teacher-Delivered Strategies; Summary; 7. Supporting Students Who Require More Than Primary Prevention Efforts: Tier 2 and Tier; Examining the Schoolwide Data; Determining How Different Students Respond; Identifying Students Who Need Targeted Supports; Guidelines for Establishing Secondary (Tier 2) and Tertiary (Tier 3) Supports; Guidelines for Managing Data; Summary; Part IV. Moving Forward: Considerations for Successful Implementation of System Change Efforts
8. Understanding Implementation Science: Responsible Implementation of System Change EffortsRespectful, Responsible Inquiry through Practitioner-Researcher Partnerships; Professional Learning to Support Installation and Sustainability: A Focus on Low-Intensity Supports; Systems Change within an Implementation Science Framework; Considerations for Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of the Ci3T Model of Prevention: Closing Thoughts; References; Index
일반주제명Problem children --Education --United States.
Behavior disorders in children --United States --Prevention.
Problem children --Behavior modification --United States.
School improvement programs --United States.


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